
Petropalatoos company

Specialized oil and gas accelerator

Providing innovative works to the technological needs of the country’s oil and gas industry
The competitive advantage of Petropalatos as an accelerator
Office and laboratory space
Due to the establishment of this company in the space of the oil industry research institute, it is possible to establish the teams in the office and laboratory space located in this research institute.
Free initial capital
They can receive seed capital up to three hundred million Tomans in the form of material and spiritual support
Mentoring and team building/ international patent registration
By using the database of industrial mentors and motivated people, team building and mentoring can be accelerated and facilitated. Also, teams can use the international patent registration grant

Services available

In line with the implementation of its mission as an accelerator, this company provides these services to startup teams.

Areas of activity of this accelerator

Currently, three specialized areas of this accelerator for which a team has been created have been introduced

Health, safety and environment in the oil and gas industry

In cooperation with the Oil Industry Research Institute as a technical and commercial partner in the field of industrial wastewater treatment projects, identification processes, declaration of readiness and preparation of technical and financial proposals are carried out.

Artificial intelligence

This company has professional teams in the field of artificial intelligence and its widely used cases in the industry, including: Image processing-optimization-intelligence-simulation declares its readiness to carry out research and development projects as well as contract affairs projects.

Adsorbents - catalysts - zeolites

This company is active in the field of absorbents, catalysts and zeolites. Regarding the H2S absorbent from Teres gas, it has a patent for the sweetening of sour gas.

Standard certificates received

For the first time in the country, this company in the field of accelerators in the oil and gas industry succeeded in designing standard principles and receiving certificates from the standards department.


Hours of training courses held


Recruited startup teams


Number of ongoing projects


Number of university trainees

Conducted research projects

In line with the mission of this accelerator in the field of providing innovative solutions to the technological needs of the country's oil and gas industry, the following projects in the field of research and development are examples of those that have been pursued in the center.

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